rssdrop is a perl script to deliver feeds to Maildirs. The origin script is out of date and very buggy. So I create a fork and fixed lots of problems.
The dependencies are perl-xml-simple
, perl-date-manip
and perl-lwp-protocol-https
If you have solved the dependencies, clone my fork and rssdrop just works:
If you are using Archlinux, just install the rssdrop
package from AUR.
Getting start
Initialize rssdrop
Subscribe to a new feed
Fetch items in your new feed
Fetch all new items in all feeds
This part is simple, you can navigate to your feeds maildir or add it to spoolfile in your .muttrc
But almost all the feed contents are html files, mutt will show them in plain text as default.
It’s not quite human readable so you need a html2txt
script to convert it.
Refer to this blog, links
is a good choice because of its numbered links feature. I changed it to elinks
for Chinese supporting. Make sure it’s executable, and on your $PATH
Here is an example of html2txt
You also need a ~/.mailcap
And configure the following options in your ~/.muttrc
Now you can read all the html mails in mutt, not only the feeds.